Formative assessment process your students will love you for!

Written by Rui
Last updated on 11 Dec 2023

Formative assessment process your students will love you for!

What is the formative assessment process?

It consists of identifying lesson objectives, monitoring and adjusting instruction.

Identifying Lesson Objectives

Identifying lesson objectives is a crucial. This involves clearly defining what students should be able to know, understand, and do by the end of the lesson. Objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).


Monitoring is best done through various methods, such as in-class quizzes and observations.

In-class quizzes can provide real-time feedback on students' understanding and progress. They allow teachers to identify areas where students may be struggling and adjust instruction accordingly.

Observations, on the other hand, involve actively watching and listening to students during class activities to gauge their engagement and comprehension.

Adjusting Instruction

Results from the monitoring phase can be used to personalise learning based on individual student performance. Data collected can identify specific areas where students may be struggling and tailor their instruction to address those needs.

This targeted approach helps ensure that each student receives the support and guidance they require to succeed. Teachers can promote academic growth and foster a positive and inclusive classroom environment.

Tools to help

AI powered tools like can help convert textbooks / teaching material into questions used in formative assessments.

AI powered tools like can generate 20 questions in less than 5 minutes, making it quick and efficient to create formative assessments. Additionally, it allows for easy export of the generated questions to tools like Kahoot, enabling teachers to incorporate interactive quizzes into their classes.

Be loved by your students ❤️